Thursday, January 9, 2014

The days of dependence and independence

         I am sure most of you will remember the persistent efforts of Wile E. Coyote to catch the roadrunner. The never ending chase, mingled with ACME bombs and being thrown down high cliffs, meant nothing but a few minutes of entertainment to our young mind. I never liked the cartoon anyway, but here I am, in this desperate age where all we 20-something-year old people (the coyotes) are running after the roadrunner (life) just to catch it before time runs out. 
        Buried below all those years of education and strife, I find nothing but endless chases trying to prove that I will amount to something. But after being beaten, bombed and thrashed mostly mentally, I decided to go for derailment and to a mind encapsulated in agony of nothingness, getting off the track is nothing but the next greatest adventure. With the loss of dependence on a decided course, came the spontaneous desire to test the uncharted waters, followed by such absent time, it was hard to understand the working of how days dissolved into nights. This disastrous rebound was packed up in no time, leaving a gaping hole in its wake. 
       However, after every storm, the canvas is painted with beautiful and calm hues, making you believe in the sanctity of your dreams. It has happened to almost every dreamer I have known. The fall ultimately designs the rise, carrying you to the pedestal of wonders. It would be an understatement to say that the believers always reach their atonement because it is always this little group of people who build their lives touched by fidelity. 

         On one particular winter eve, when the lights seemed to be going out, a destitute seeker ended up knocking on the door of an old friend. Now, we have all been to the state of affairs when help must be asked, even though the answers lies locked away in the seeker's heart. As the friend opened the doors to his world, the seeker felt the fears ebb away, making place for courage. Hour after hour, the seeker absorbed the warmth of the friend's welcome, while the shelterer peeled back the layers of despondency.
         Buddha said "work out your own salvation, do not depend on others", but he was a great yet simple man, capable of completing the puzzle. We, on the other hand are complex beings, deflecting our gifts to land them in the middle of nowhere. We are incomplete beings, seeking independence by finding the keys to the treasure locked within us, so the truth of our existence can be revealed. It was on that night when the dejected laid down the map of his secrets and the friend, strengthened by his trails, gave the other what he sought the most. Hope. The key to his salvation. The answer to all his questions.